Siam Niramit, Bangkok's great cultural performance, should not be missed!

Siam Niramit, Bangkok's great cultural performance, should not be missed!

สภาพสินค้า :


ราคา :



เว็บไซต์ :

วันที่เริ่ม :

5 พ.ค. 2554 19:50:58

วันที่อัพเดท :

5 พ.ค. 2554 19:50:58

ip :


ร้าน :


ชื่อผู้ขาย :


จังหวัด :


จำนวนสินค้า :

11 ชิ้น

คนเข้าชม :


อัพเดทร้าน :

24 ส.ค. 2555 23:51:24

เปิดร้าน :

17 ก.พ. 2554 12:08:20

shop free


Don't miss this spectacularly-entertaining look at Thailand's history, holidays and mythology! If you are looking for cross-dressing lip-synching, or a pool-side show of dancers wearing plastic and polyester, Siam Niramit is not the show for you. We can take you to see those kinds of shows if you insist. However, if you enjoy a big-stage music and dance spectacle, do not miss the opportunity to enjoy Siam Niramit Bangkok's great cultural performance. Go early and take an elephant ride or wander through a sprawling reconstructed rural village, complete with sampans and canals, then enjoy a delicious pre-show buffet. Thailand has plenty of junky tourist "cultural shows" that do no more than empty your wallet and send you home home feeling like Thai culture is nothing more than a hotel buffet with dancers wearing cheap polyester costumes and gold colored plastic jewelry. Siam Niramit is a huge exception. Arrive at their enormous complex around dusk and you have time to explore the authentic rural village that has been constructed there. You will swear you are in rustic rice-belt hamlet. Wooden houses on stilts have been brought here from every corner of Thailand. You can see different craftspeople at each of them. Instead, you may decide to take an elephant ride or get a soothing food massage. The show itself defies description unless you can imagine the Metropolitan Opera, a Las Vegas show and Cirque de Soleil all rolled into one portraying things that are uniquely Thai. The world's largest stage (according to Guinness) will take you on a journey through Siam's history, folklore and festivals in an epic performance that includes a cast of 150, more than 500 costumes,as well as sailing ships, angels flying through space, live animals, and a visits to the mystical, supernatural places of Thai legend. It is fun, exhilarating and you will leave having experienced something much closer to what Thai culture and the Thai spirit are all about. A very nice buffet dinner with Thai, Western and Indian specialties is available before the show, and is included with the ticket. We are happy to make reservations for you (with our without one of our guides), and provide transportation to and from the show. Price includes shared van transportation from your hotel, buffet dinner and show. Or we can send you in a private car with one of our guides to keep you company for a bit extra.

ร้านค้าออนไลน์ , ขายของออนไลน์ ผู้ให้บริการด้าน ร้านค้าออนไลน์ เปิดร้านค้าออนไลน์

โดยทีมงานที่มีประสบการณ์การทำเว็บไซต์ขายสินค้าออนไลน์กว่า 6 ปี
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เวลาทำการ : จ-ศ 8:30-17:30 น.