

เครื่องผลิตคลอรีนจากเกลือ salt chlorinator

เครื่องผลิตคลอรีนจากเกลือ salt chlorinator

ยี่ห้อ :

Hurlcon Astral

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วันที่เริ่ม :

6 พ.ย. 2552 07:17:43

วันที่อัพเดท :

16 ก.ย. 2553 10:33:14

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เครื่องทำคลอรีนจากเกลือ / VX serie saltchlorinator/hurlcon Astral Hurlcon VX Series Salt Chlorinator Model VX 6S 15 gms VX 6T 15gms VX 7S 22 gms VX 7T 22 gms VX 9S 30 gms VX 9T 30 gms VX 11S 42 gms VX 11T 42 gms VX 13S 50 gms VX 13T 50 gms To be accurate, salt doesn’t sanitise the pool, chlorine does. Salt, in roughly the same solution as a tear Drop, is used to generate that chlorine as it passes through the clear cell and between two electrolytic plates. The salt reacts with the electrical current to form chlorine which then kills all contaminants within the pool. The result is pure, crystal clear water and happy, healthy swimmers. Control Manual dosing with liquid or granular chlorine can be haphazard. Over-dosing can cause eye irritation, itchy skin and a strong chlorine odour. VX Salt Chlorinators continuously generate the precise level of chlorine required. All you need do is top us the salt level occasionally. Genus Technology The VX Series is part of a family of high quality, highly intelligent, interconnected products that together, take total care of your pool and spa. The Genus IV controller links all the separate components together through a single control that allows any member of the family to operate the syste Convenience From the Touch Pad, chlorine output can be adjusted and operating hours can be preset. So there can be one regime for weekdays and another for weekends, when the pool is more likely to be used. Even super chlorination can be managed from the controller. Pool and Spa combinations Switching from the pool to the spa can be difficult. The pool’s chlorine level is far too high for a spa so the salt chlorinator would simply stop or need to be turned off to stop it producing excessive chlorine. The VX and Genus controller work together to automatically turn down the VX output to the level required by the spa, and all with the push of a single button. Self-Cleaning At intervals determined by the intelligent software program, the VX will reverse the polarity of its plates. This ‘self-cleaning’ process clears the plates of any build up, extending the cell’s working life and virtually eliminating maintenance. Range The Hurlcon VX Series Salt Chlorinators are available in 5 sizes with or without time clocks. Warranty Each chlorinator is covered by an unconditional 5 year warranty on Cell & 3 year Pro Rata on Power Pack against defects in materials and workmanship. For full details refer to the VX Series Instruction Sheet.

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